Ceramist, sculptor, director of animated films, and artistic director. She graduated in Fine Arts, did a Master's in Illustration and Animation and post-graduated in Local and Collaborative Development. She dedicates herself to materialising the characters depicted from her imagination signing as Não Sou Rita, teaching different audiences in her ceramics studio - Terra Boa - and developing artistic projects with different communities, in partnership with institutions such as Associação Unificar, Theatro Circo, Braga Media Arts and Teatro e Marionetas de Mandrágora.
She co-directed the short film ‘Pronto, era assim’ (2016), episode 7 - Ornitorrincos of the series ‘Crias’ (2018) and the short film ‘Três Vírgula Catorze’ (2024) with Patrícia Rodrigues. She worked on projects such as ‘O Casaco Rosa’ by Mónica Santos and ‘Roupa Velha’ by Alice Eça Guimarães.
Since 2016, she has frequently collaborated with various entities in the country to hold animated film workshops for children, young people and teachers.