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Animals at Home

Patrícia Figueiredo (1985), graduated in Fine Arts, Painting, completed her course in Krakow, where she attended the Animation Cinema Atelier and made her first short film, under the artistic guidance of Jerzy Kucia. After completing her degree, she got a grant from ICA for the production of her first animated short film “Foi o fio” (Portugal, 2014), selected and awarded at several festivals. She has a Masters in Illustration and Animation and lives in Porto, where she works as a freelance illustrator and animator.

FOI O FIO, 2014, Patrícia Figueiredo
Animation, Portugal, 5′00″
POZYTYWKA (Music Box) [academic film], 2008, Patrícia Figueiredo
Animation, Portugal, Poland, 2′21″
HÚMUS [workshop film], 2006, Ana Justo, Bruno Rajão, Patrícia Figueiredo, Rita Reis, Sandra Pimenta
Animation, Portugal, 1′32″