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Animals On The Loose
Marta Monteiro

Marta Monteiro (Penafiel, 1973)
She has a degree in Fine Arts/Sculpture from the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto. She was a teacher for 4 years and currently works as an illustrator and director.
Collaborates with national and international newspapers, magazines and publishers such as the New York Times, the New Yorker, Pato Lógico and Bruáa.
She directed the short animated films “Independência de Espírito” (Independent Min, 2011), “A Sonolenta” (Sleepy, 2017) and “Sopa Fria” (Cold Soup, 2023).
She won several awards, including the Vasco Granja Award, by the Portuguese Society of Authors for Best Film in the Portuguese Monstra 2018 competition with the film “A Sonolenta” (Sleepy). And the gold medal from the Society of Illustrators in New York in 2014, for the illustrated series “Little People”.

SLEEPY , 2017
COLD SOUP , 2022
Independência De Espírito, 2011, MartaMonteiro
Animation, Portugal
CINANIMA – Festival Internacional de Cinema de Animação de Espinho, Portugal
Competição Nacional – Menção Honrosa
Casa da Animação | Prémio Nacional da Animação, Portugal
Categoria Profissionais – Menção Honrosa
Animasyros International Animation Festival, Grécia
Menção Especial #ThisIsEU
Bang Awards – Concurso Internacional de Animação, Portugal
Melhor Banda Sonora
San Giò – Verona Vídeo Festival, Itália
Melhor Filme de Animação
Casa da Animação | Prémio Nacional da Animação, Portugal
Prémio Nacional da Animação