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Animals On The Loose

Driven by the desire to bring life to her imagination, she is motivated by the tactility that the stop-motion technique provides. Since 2014, she has worked in stop-motion animation, as a director, animator, designer and builder of sets, props and puppets. She co-directed the short film ‘Pronto, era assim’ (2015), produced at Academia RTP, with Joana Nogueira. Episode no. 7: ‘Ornitorrincos’ (Platypus), from the TV series ‘Crias’ (2020), produced by Praça Filmes and JPL Films. And more recently, the short film ‘Três Vírgula Catorze’ (2024), produced by Animais AVPL. She is currently a teacher in the Professional 2D and 3D Animation Course, at Escola Artística Soares dos Reis (Porto).

PRONTO, ERA ASSIM, 2016, Joana Nogueira
Animation, Documentary, Portugal, 13′00″
CRIAS, 2019, Joana Nogueira
Animation, Portugal